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The PEMJ is operated according to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing 4th ed (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing).

No. Item Remark
1 Name of journal Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal (Pediatr Emerg Med J; pISSN 2383-4897, eISSN 2508-5506)
2 Website PEMJ aims at worldwide pediatricians, emergency physicians, and other health care providers or researchers who care for ill or injured infants, children or adolescents, or are interested in pediatric emergency medicine. Readers of the journal can obtain academic or updated information for relevant practice or research. In addition, the readership can be expanded to clinicians, researchers or policymakers who would like to access recent information or trends on pediatric emergency medicine.
The journal scope embraces both basic and clinical research of pediatric emergency medicine. In detail, we publish articles regarding abuse-and-assault, adolescents, allergy-immunology-and-rheumatology, behavioral-and-psychiatric, cardiovascular, critical care-and-resuscitation, dentistry, dermatology, editing-writing-and-publishing, endocrinology-and-metabolism, environmental injury, epidemiology, ethics, foreign body, gastroenterology-hepatology-and-nutrition, genetics, gynecology, hemato-oncology, head injury, imaging, infection, laboratory medicine, informatics, musculoskeletal-and-orthopedics, neonatology, nephrology-and-urology, neurology-and-neurosurgery, nursing, otolaryngology-and-ophthalmology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, procedure, rehabilitation-and-sports medicine, respiratory, sedation-and-analgesia, surgery, toxicology, trauma, and miscellaneous. We may publish articles on studies performed outside emergency departments if the articles state a pediatric emergency medicine perspective.
PEMJ accepts original articles, reviews, editorials, case reports, brief communications, correspondences, and special contributions.
3 Publishing schedule From 2023, PEMJ is published quarterly, on the first day of January, April, July, and October.
4 Archiving The journal is accessible at KoreaMed (https://koreamed.org/), Synapse (https://synapse.koreamed.org/), ), KMbase (https://kmbase.medric.or.kr/), Korea Citation Index (https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/main.kci), Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.co.kr), National Assembly Library of Korea (https://www.nanet.go.kr/main.do), and National Library of Korea (http://nl.go.kr) in the event the journal is no longer published.
5 Copyright Copyrights of all published materials are owned by the KSPEM and must not be published elsewhere without written permission. The form of copyright transfer form is available from the journal website and submission system
6 Licensing All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
7 Publication ethics and related editorial policies https://www.pemj.org/authors/ethics.php
8 Peer review
  • 1. The submitted manuscript will first be evaluated at the editorial board regarding the possibility of plagiarism, completeness of the submitted materials, and their suitability to PEMJ. Prior to the peer review, the editorial board can reject manuscripts for misconduct, or request the authors for explanation. Manuscripts may be returned to the authors at this stage if they have serious flaws or are not suitable for PEMJ.
  • 2. Submitted manuscripts will generally be reviewed by the editors and two peer reviewers. The reviewers make suggestions to the editorial board.
  • 3. PEMJ performs double-blinded peer review of the submitted manuscripts. Neither the peer reviewers nor the authors are revealed to each other. Authors may suggest preferred reviewers. However, this suggestion may not be accepted by the editorial board.
  • 4. The authors can monitor the progress of the manuscript throughout the review process at the submission system (https://submit.pemj.org/).
  • 5. The first review is finished within 60 days after the first submission. Reviewers consider the originality, scientific importance, study design, methodology, brevity in expression, priority for publication, and potential for revision. Reviewers should provide constructive criticism on the parts requiring revision. Submitted manuscripts will be rendered one of the following decisions: Accept, Minor Revisions, Major Revisions, and Reject. A revision needs to be submitted within 60 days of the decision. Otherwise, the manuscript is regarded as a new submission.
    • 1) All submitted manuscripts are subject to the Crosscheck, and the editorial office can reject the manuscripts suspected of plagiarism.
    • 2) Manuscripts for case reports regarding diseases that have already been reported cannot be published. However, they may be published after proper review process if they contain the discussion over unknown aspects of the disease, new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, and unknown associated diseases.
    • 3) If manuscripts regarding drugs or equipment have a potential for commercial use, the editorial office can consult proper specialists on them.
    • 4) Manuscripts containing the contents which have already been rejected by PEMJ can be published only if substantially improved.
    • 5) The editorial board reserves the right to make corrections to literary and technical flaws found in the accepted manuscripts after proper communication with the corresponding authors.
    • 6) The editorial board can refer the editing process to outsourced manuscript editors.
  • 6. The decision to accept a manuscript is not based solely on the scientific validity and originality; other factors are considered, including the extent and importance of new information in the paper as compared with that in other papers being considered, the journal's need to represent a wide range of topics, the overall suitability for PEMJ, and research and publication ethics.
  • 7. Decision letters usually, but not always, convey all factors considered for a particular decision. Occasionally, reviewers’ comments may appear to be inconsistent with the decision, which takes into consideration reviewers' comments as well as the additional factors listed above.
9 Access The PEMJ is freely distributed to members of the KSPEM and relevant institutions. Full text files are also freely available at the official (https://www.pemj.org) and mobile (pemj.org/m) websites. For subscription, please contact us.
10 Ownership and management The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal (Pediatr Emerg Med J, PEMJ; pISSN 2383-4897, eISSN 2508-5506) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Korean Society of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (KSPEM). The KSPEM holds the copyright on all submitted articles.
11 Advisory body https://www.pemj.org/about/editorial.php
12 Editorial team/contact information https://www.pemj.org/about/contact.php
13 Author fees Since July 1, 2019, authors are required to pay APC of 200 USD (200,000 KRW) upon the acceptance. Waiver of the APC is applied to any solicited or review articles. Authors are also charged for color printing of figures unless the printing is considered necessary by the editorial board (e.g., endoscopic finding, skin lesion or pathology). PEMJ does not provide reprint service.
14 Other revenue Revenue sources of the journal include APC, financial support from the KSPEM, advertisement, and the governmental funds.
15 Advertising Academic contents and editorial decisions of the PEMJ are independent from commercial interests or specific contracts with advertisers. The journal reserves the right to decline any type of advertising that is harmful to the value of the journal. Advertisements should clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered. Exaggerated copy is not allowed. PEMJ do not allow any specific advertisements to be linked to specific articles, of which contents are related to the products being advertised.
16 Direct marketing Journal propagation has been done through the journal website and distribution of the journals. Invitations to submit a manuscript are usually focused on the members of the relevant societies, presenters at conferences, seminars or workshops if the topic is relevant to the aims and scope.

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17 Days

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12 Days

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55 Days

*Last 12 months

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Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
Korean Society of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
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Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Chungmu-building office 213, 197, Toegye-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 04557, Korea
TEL: +82-2-3674-7888   FAX: +82-2-3674-7889   E-mail: editor@pemj.org
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